Courtney Hoskins

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Day Six- Second Wind...

...though none of it is hitting my sails. I'm just not impressed anymore. Now I'm beginning the major marketing campaign for LOOP- Walking through the palais and scoping out potentials, standing around, passing out postcards to whomever will take them, much like the tour bus drivers. And like the tour bus drivers, I can promise a ride, albeit an artistic and intellectual one, but a ride nonetheless. Unlike the tour bus drivers, I believe in this ride. I'm not looking for fare, I want to share!

I think LOOP is fantastic. I think it's amazing that Pericles has put this together in two years with zero budget and massive amounts of love. THAT is what makes a great film, in my opinion. I worked on this project not because it was presented to me as "it will make you big" or "it's the next 'Blair Witch Project'" or any other such bullshit, but because the director was straightforward with me and asked me to help, appreciated my vision and gave me the freedom to really cut loose and let my imagination run wild. I can't say enough good about it.

And unfortunately, it does not have the representation it deserves here in Cannes! I'm no good at this marketing and self selling crap.

In fact, although the red carpet is glamorous and it is exciting to be a part of all of this, to see the stars and all that, I must say this: the Cannes Film Festival is the oil slick of Hollywood! All of the schmoozing, lying, gawking, "fakiness," standing around and hoping to be accepted... I know it's a part of the industry, but it is not a part my mind plays well with.

I do best with the panel discussions, where working professionals talk about what they do. The parties are making me ill. As is this infected wound on my heel (because I don't usually wear heels)...

So this entry was my diatribe against the Wall Street end of filmmaking as well as my love letter to LOOP. Not much festival news. I ran into some interview with some... star, but I've given up on trying to identify them.

Oh... and Rachel Leigh Cook was who I thought was Kirsten Dunst. I suck at this form of star gazing! And you can't even see the ones in the sky from here!