Courtney Hoskins

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An Open Love Letter

Dear Los Angeles, Hi.  Remember me?  Um... Gosh.  Where to begin?  I'm not good at this, so I'll just cut to the chase:  I know I've been flirting with you a lot over the past few years.  You probably think I'm just a tease, but I've been thinking a lot about you lately.

I've tried to make things work with other cities, denying that I secretly long for the embrace of your sandy shores, the comfort of your warm sunlight and the stimulation of your huge... film industry.  I crave your music, art, film and media scenes.  I even think I could put up with your fickle geologic temperament and abusive traffic jams, if it meant that I could walk along your beaches and watch a classic film on one of your many movie screens.

I know a lot of people don't like you.  They say your traffic jams and colorful inhabitants make you a hard city in which to live.  I say, let the naysayers keep their New York City with its turtlenecks and dress suits!  I'll take your baseball caps and bikinis any day of the year (and I almost could in your gentle clime).

L.A., I just can't help thinking, well... maybe I should move in?  Is that too direct?  I know you've had some rough times lately, but we all have our ups and downs.  I know we could find a way to make it work.  I think it's time for us to consider a long-term relationship.  Just think about it.

Well, those are my thoughts.  I'm here if you need me (really, I'm here if you need me: a job would be a nice engagement gift, ahem...)

Love, Courtney

P.S.  It bein' International Talk Like a Pirate Day, I just have to add a gratuitous "arrr!"