Courtney Hoskins

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That was a great show, wasn't it? It made me love Summer Glau, who I've mentioned before on this blog. Her ballet performance as Cameron in "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" was way cool. Add that to her awesome butt-whooping scene in "Serenity" and it equals me as an uberfan. Any female who loves ballet and can kick major ass at martial arts ("sci-fi" martial arts, to boot) is a person I'd like to meet in real life someday. Alas, I didn't make it to her panel at Comic-Con (where I'm sure we would have met, had coffee, discussed politics and martial arts, exchanged phone numbers and like totally become BFFs- or not). The awesomeness of Summer aside, I'm not talking about that Firefly right now. I'm talking about the one that is in the upper right quadrant of this blog. It's a pretty cool little application. Well, it's not really "cool" on my blog (yet, anyway), but go to their website at and play around with it a bit. Basically, if you turn it on, you can "tag" my page with graffiti or chat with other users (all one of you). Go ahead, try it out. You can "rewind" the history to see what others have said. "Others" being mostly me and any friends I've forced to use it. You can even send anything you write on my page to your Twitter account. Tight.

Speaking of Twitter, I have been pretty much obsessed with it lately. If you feel that I don't update my blog often enough, just check out that little orange bubble in the sidebar for 140 character (or less) blurbs of randomness 5-10 times per day or "follow" me. Another cool social networking application is, also on the sidebar menu. It lets you listen to what I (or other users) are listening to, create playlists of your favorite artists and discover new artists that you might like. Finally, the thing I've been using to pull it all together is friendfeed. This application lets you pool all of your social networking tools into one place and gives you updates when your friends post something to flickr, twitter, youtube, delicious, digg, or even when they add new movies to their netflix cue!

I bet hardcore stalkers are a little miffed right now. I mean, it's not that hard to figure out what people are doing at all hours of the day- it doesn't take the skilz it once did. We're pretty much just telling you. I was reluctant to do all of this for a while after someone broke the "online/real life" code of conduct and kind of freaked me out, but I figure psychos will always be out there and it's fun to network with the sane people.

Not only that, but jeeze! What else could I possibly tell you about myself? I'm pretty much telling you everything I do, eat, dream about... "Get out of my tree. Get into my blog!" Could be a catchy tune...